Mole Removal

Elevate Your Confidence within La Vie Med Spa

Mole Removal

Face & Neck
Mole Removal

Experience safe and effective mole removal with the expertise of Nagwa Attalla, our skilled our licensed medical aesthetician at La Vie Aesthetic Clinic. Moles can be a cosmetic concern or, in some cases, a medical necessity to remove. Our advanced mole removal techniques ensure a seamless process, leaving you with skin that looks and feels its best.

Mole Removal Techniques

At La Vie Aesthetic Clinic, we offer various mole removal techniques, including shave biopsy, punch biopsy, and surgical excision. These methods are performed by our medical professionals, guaranteeing your safety and comfort. We do not recommend at-home methods such as burning, taping, or using various substances or tools to remove moles.

Innovative Plasma Pen® Laser Technology

We employ cutting-edge Plasma Pen® laser technology for mole removal, setting us apart as a leader in the field. This advanced approach ensures precise and efficient removal, leaving minimal to no scarring and offering immediate results.

Procedure at a glance!

Pain Level

None to minimal

Blood Drawn



None to minimal

Number of Sessions

Typically 1-2 sessions

Procedure Duration

30-45 minutes

Results Timeline

Immediate to a few days


Varies depending on the treatment

Pre-procedure Preparation

None required

Post-procedure Care

Minimal care needed; our specialists will provide guidance.

Type of Equipment or Brand Used

Top-quality Mole removal Devices - Plasma Pen® laser


Individual allergies or sensitivities; consult with our specialists for personalized guidance.

Say goodbye to moles!

For the best mole removal in Rochester Hills and Troy, trust La Vie Aesthetic Clinic. Say goodbye to moles and hello to beautiful, clear skin. Contact us today for a consultation and discover why we’re the top choice for mole removal in Michigan.

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